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Telemedicine  Appointments 

We are now offering Telemedicine at North Seattle Natural Medicine. Please note - NOT ALL INSURANCE COMPANIES ARE COVERING TELEMEDICINE APPOINTMENTS now that the pandemic is over. Please check with your insurance carrier to make sure they are still covering Telemedicine appointments. 

We will be using a HIPPA compliant platform through for office visits. PLEASE CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW FOR THE DOCTOR YOU ARE SEEING. 



Just before (or even the morning of) your designated appointment time, go to the appropriate doctor's link and enter the waiting room. At your allotted appointment time your physician will activate the call on their end.

  • Copy the appropriate link below and paste it in your Web Browser's address field.

  • If using a smartphone or tablet, open up your Web Browser App (Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc) and copy/paste/write in the appropriate link below.

  • You will then be in a virtual 'waiting room' and the doctor will initiate a call.

  • Reminder, you do need to have a working camera/mic.






If you are looking to change your appointment to Telemedicine, please first send us an email with the request.

PLEASE NOTE, WE HAVE NO GUARANTEE THAT TELEMED APPOINTMENTS WILL BE COVERED BY YOUR INSURANCE. SO FAR IT SEEMS THAT INSURANCES ARE COVERING, but it is best to contact your insurance company and confirm.  We are still happy to switch your follow up to a telemed visit, however please know you may be responsible for the appointment cost if your insurance denies coverage. Please follow our How to Verify Insurance Guide for more info!


** Please note, you have to be in the State of Washington the day of your Telemedicine Appointment. **

In order to have a Telemedicine appointment, you will need a device (laptops, computers, tablet) with a camera and a microphone. Yes, your smart phone will work too!


Prior to your first Telemedicine appointment, we need our brief consent form e-signed. You may do this at any time, but please try to submit no later than 24 business hours before your appointment

NOTE : Each doctor has their own DOXY link which you can click below.

Dr. Lush

Dr. Sinclair


Dr. Tausend

Dr. Amber Nixon 

Dr. Jenn Dazey

Dr. Melissa Lange

Dr. Camila Herrera

North Seattle Natural Medicine 617 5th Ave S Edmonds, WA 98020

p 206.629.5180

f 206.629.5197

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